Thursday, April 28, 2011

Project 7 Art Expo

2011 Art Expo Exhibition
Midlife Crisis Walrus
Ian M. Lawrence
Pen, coffee, watercolor
The first piece that caught my attention was called Midlife Crisis Walrus by Ian M Lawrence.  I chose this piece of art because it is very bizarre because Ian put a Walruses head and attached it to a middle age mans body.  In the painting you can tell that the Walrus is stressed out and having a middle age crisis.  This is because he chose to give the Walrus a broken tooth showing that he’s maybe had a rough day.  His collar is also popped up and wrinkled adding to his rough looking state.
            To create the image of having a midlife crisis Ian chose to use watercolor to create a dull watered out image.  He also used coffee to stain the paper adding on to the dullness.  To make the outline of the walrus-man Ian used a ink pen.  This piece is very interesting because he used simple materials to make a good piece of art. 
The only bad quality I can think of for this piece is the fact that Ian might have used too much coffee stain on the upper left edge.  However, one good quality I liked was how he left the right corner blank making it seem very open and mysterious.  Mysterious because you have no idea where the Walrus-man is going and what he was previously going.                                   

Iron Rust
Calah Jane Fortune
Iron, acrylic paint, wood, acid
I liked this piece of work because the materials used were very different than everyone else’s materials.  In order to add the rust affect to the art Calah had to use acid on the iron, which is something I have never seen in art before.  She also used good-sized pieces of wood as the boarders that still have bark on the edges.  The art also pops off the canvas in some areas from the acid fizzing up giving it a rough bubble like texture.
Another quality that I like about this work is the layers that were put onto it.  You can tell that the paint is thick with multiple colors beneath each layer because it stands out of the painting giving it more texture and uneven surfaces.  I didn’t like the amount of green because it was overpowering the other colors.  Also the boarders of the piece could have had a little more work done to them.

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